- 352 Cocktail
- 4th of July
- A Little Green Man From Mars
- A Piece of Ass
- A Splash of Nash
- Absolute Suicide
- African on Acid
- African Tinnie
- Alamo
- Alcoholic Jolly Rancher
- Alex Trebek
- All Night Hunter
- Alligator Sperm
- Apple Fucker
- Apple Jell-o Shots
- Apple Pucker Fucker
- Apple Shooter
- Areola
- Bad Habit
- Ball and Chain
- Banana Cream Pie
- Banana Cream Pie #2
- Banana Split #2
- Bananas and Cream
- Banderas
- Banshee Berry
- Barber Chair Shot
- Barbie Shot
- Barney on Acid
- Barracuda
- Bart Simpson
- Bart Simpson #2
- Beam Me Up Scottie
- Beaubetween
- Bend Me Over #2
- Bin Laden #2
- Black Forest Cake
- Black Gold #2
- Black Lab
- Black Sabbath
- BlackBurst
- Blackout
- Blond Headed Slut
- Blonde Headed Slut
- Bloody Bruiser
- Bloody Smurf #2
- Blow Job #3
- Blue Flush
- Blue Freezie
- Bo Jo
- Booty Call
- Brisky Joe
- Broo-ha-ha
- Bruce Leroy
- Buffalo Chip
- Butt Plug
- Cabo Bomb
- Calypso
- Camel Concoction
- Canadian Hunter
- Candy Corn
- Capital Punishment
- Captain Crunch
- Captain Louie
- Captain on Acid
- Caribbean Blue Jello Shots
- Carmel Apple
- Casey Special
- Catasmashed
- Catfish
- Cha Cha Unocha
- Che Guevara
- Cherry Blow Pop
- Cherry Bomb #5
- Cherry Bomb #7
- Cherry Bon Bon
- Cherry Cheesecake
- Cherry Godet
- Cherry Lemon Drop
- Cherry Lifesaver Shooter
- Cherry MacGregor
- Cherry Zinger
- Chi Phi
- Chicken Drop
- China White #2
- Chiquita
- Choad
- Chocolate Almond
- Chocolate Cake #2
- Chocolate Cake Shooter
- Chocolate Cake Shot
- Chocolate Covered Candy Cane
- Chocolate Covered Cherry Shot
- Chocolate Honeybee
- Chocolate Martini #2
- Chocolate Milk
- Chocolate Shot
- Chocolate Valentine
- Chokorange
- Christmas Cheer
- Chuck Wagon
- Cinnamon Rose
- Cinnamon Toast #3
- Citron My Face
- Closed Casket
- Cockroach
- Cockteaser
- Cocky Motherfucker
- Cold Fire
- Colorado Cider
- Colorado Rattlesnake
- Columbian Nose Bleed
- Cool Hot Damn
- CoonDogg
- Cooter Cork
- Cough Syrup
- Country Apple
- Crack Pipe
- Crackhouse
- Cranberry Zamboni
- Crazy Moose
- Crimson Tide
- Crispy Crunch
- Crowbar
- Crown the King
- Cruz Azul
- Crystal Virgin
- Cucacaracha
- Cucaracha #2
- Cum Scorcher
- Czech Collaborator
- Dallas Stars
- Damned If You Do
- Dark and Veiny
- Dark Nightmare
- De-Lay
- Dead Dog Vomit
- Dead Hitler
- Dead Nazi
- Death by Shot
- Death Row
- Demon Drop
- Devastating Body Rocker
- Dirtiest Ernie
- Dirty Bong Water #2
- Dirty Diaper
- Disco Ball
- Dizzy Damage
- Dolt Bolt
- Donkey Punch
- Double Brit
- Double Gold
- Double Pucker
- Doucet Devil
- Dreamsicle Jello Shots
- Drop the Hammer on the Turkey
- Drunksimus Maximus
- Dublin Doubler
- Dumbfuck
- Eady Rider
- Echo Hemoraging Tumor
- Eggnotini
- El Negro
- Electric Storm
- Emerald Eye
- Energy Shot
- Estonian Forest-Fire
- Evershock
- Evil Tongue
- Extraterrestrial
- Fahrenheit 5000
- Fainting Goat
- Falix
- Fat Box
- Fiery Balls Of Death
- Fiery Blue Mustang
- Fig
- Fire and Ice
- Fire And Torture
- Fire in Heaven
- Fire in the Hole
- Fireball #2
- Fireball #3
- Fireball Shooter
- Firetruck
- Five Star General
- Flagella
- Flaming Asshole
- Flaming Asshole #2
- Flaming Blue
- Flaming Blue Fuck
- Flaming Blue Jesus
- Flaming Cocaine
- Flaming Dr. Pepper #3
- Flaming Dragon
- Flaming Fruit Trees
- Flaming Giraffe
- Flaming Gorilla
- Flaming Gorilla Titties
- Flaming Hot Chocolate
- Flaming Hurley
- Flaming Jesus
- Flaming Lemon Drop
- Flaming Liquid Cocaine Blaster
- Flaming Mouth Wash
- Flaming Moz
- Flaming Nazi
- Flaming Nerd
- Flaming Open Wound
- Flaming Rasta
- Flaming Russian
- Flat Tire
- Flatliner
- Fluffy Pink Angel
- Flugel
- Foreplay
- Four Horsemen
- Fourth of July
- Freddy Kruger
- Frozen Bird
- Fruit Loop #2
- Fruit of the Loom
- Fruit Salad Slammer
- Fruit Tingles
- Fruity Pebble
- Frutty Fuck-Me-Up
- FU2
- Fuck in the Graveyard
- Fuck Me Up
- Fucked by a Rockstar
- Fucked Up Greek
- Funky Chicken
- Funky Cold Medina
- Fuzzy Astronaut
- Fuzzy Blue Gobbler
- Fuzzy Monkey
- Fuzzy Russian
- Fuzzy Screw Shot
- G Bomb
- G. T. O.
- G4
- Gangbuster Punch
- Geisha
- German Chocolate Cake #2
- German Mouthwash
- Godhead
- Gold Baron
- Gold Bomb
- Golden Apple
- Golden Comfort
- Golden Furnace
- Goldfish
- Goldschlager Lemondrop
- Gorilla Fart #2
- Gorilla Fart #5
- Gorilla Snot #2
- Grainslide
- Grape Crush
- Gravedigger
- Greasy Swede
- Greek Lightning
- Green Apple
- Green Apple and Butter Jello Shots
- Green Beret
- Green Cookie Monster
- Green Day
- Green Dinosaur #3
- Green Headache
- Green Hornet Shot
- Green Monster #2
- Green Motherfucker
- Green Sneaker
- Green Spider
- Green Thing
- Green Voodoo
- Ground Zero
- Guillotine Shot
- Gumball Hummer
- Gummy Worm
- Hairy Lemon
- Hakkespett
- Half Breed
- Harakiri Shot
- Harsh
- Hawaiian Passion
- Hawaiian Punch From Hell
- Hawaiian Shooter
- Hawaiian Volcano
- Headcrush
- Heaven and Hell
- Heilig
- Hell No
- Hillinator
- Hokey Pokey
- Hole in the Head
- Hologram
- Honey-Dew-Me
- Horny Bull
- Horny Bull #2
- Horny Bull #3
- Horny Kermit
- Hot Afternoon
- Hot Apple Pie with Sparks
- Hot Bitch
- Hot Brown Lizard
- Hot Carl
- Hot Damn Shooter
- Hot Georgia Peach
- Hot Jose
- Hot Scott
- Hot Shot #2
- Hpno Chronic
- Hpno Tonic
- Hurricane Hugo
- Hurricane Laura
- Hurts You Right Here
- Hypnotiq Slice
- Ice Bolts
- Ice Shot
- Iguana #2
- Illusion
- Indian Summer
- Inferno
- Irish Energy
- Irish Kiss
- Irish Pirate
- Irish Rootbeer
- Ironlung
- Italian Ice #2
- Italian Stallion
- Jabroni Driver Shot
- Jackass Shot
- Jackshoe
- Jager Drop
- Jagermilch
- Jagershock
- Jamaican Dust-Buster
- Jay In Your Tummy
- Jell-o Jiggler Shots
- Jello Shot
- Jello-Shot Supreme
- Jet Fuel
- Jogeir
- Jolly Rancher Jello Shots
- Jose Flame-O
- Juicy Volkheimer
- Jungle Juice #2
- Junior Mint #2
- Junk It All
- Kalabreeze
- Kamikaze #2
- Kamikaze Wigglers
- Keith Jackson
- Kenny
- Kentucky Bullfrog
- Kentucky Hot Tub
- Keremiki
- Key Lime Pie #2
- Killer Bee
- Killer Shots
- Klingon Disrupter
- Knockout Shot
- Kokopa
- Kool First Aid
- Kool-Aid (Boulder Style)
- Kool-Aid Shot
- Kreeper
- Kris Kringle
- Kurant Shot
- L.A.P.D. Nightshift
- Laser Beam Shot
- Lava Shot
- Lay Down and Shut Up
- Leatherneck
- Lemon Drop #2
- Lemon Drop #3
- Lemon Drop #4
- Lemon Drop #8
- Lemon Lightning
- Lemon Shooters
- Lemon Shot
- Leon Trotsky
- Lewd Lewinsky
- Liberace
- Lime Lizard
- Liquid Asphault
- Liquid Cocaine #2
- Liquid Cocaine #3
- Liquid Cocaine #4
- Liquid Crack
- Liquid Heroine
- Liquid Sex
- Listerine Shot
- Little Black Devil
- Little Leprechaun
- Lollishot
- Love Hotel
- Love Potion #2
- Lucky Stud
- Luftwaffe
- Lui Lui
- Lumberjack
- Lunchbox
- Lusty Lisa
- Mad Dog Shot
- Marijuana Milkshake
- Martha Stewart
- Melon Popper
- Menace Shot
- Mexican Titty
- Migraine
- Mind Eraser #4
- Mitosis
- Monster Squad
- Morbid Angel
- Naked Twister Shots
- Napalm Bomb
- Nasty Mexican
- Negropolitan
- New Dawn
- Nutty Slippery Rootbeer Lollipop
- Prairie Fire
- Rattlesnake Shot
- Silver Spider
- Slippery Nuts Shooter
- Slippery Rootbeer Lollipop
- Strawberry Bomb
- Sweet Lollishot
- T-52
- T-Bone
- T.K.O.
- T2
- Tainted Heart
- Tampon String
- Tequila (Straight)
- Tequila BoomBoom
- Tequila Comfort
- Tequila Surprise Shooter
- Terminator
- Texas Cool-Aid
- Texas Prairie Fire
- Texas Rattlesnake
- Texas Sweat
- The Celt
- The Cherry Bomb
- The Colombian
- The Double Team
- The End Of The World
- The Equator
- The Graduate
- The Lady In Red
- The Terminator
- The Tony Kelly
- The Triple
- Thorazine
- Thorny Mexican
- Three Musketeers
- Three Sheets to The Wind
- Three Wise Men #3
- Thumb Press
- Thunder And Lighting
- Tiger Tail
- Tirade
- Toolkit
- Tootsie Roll
- Tootsie Roll Float
- Tossed Salad
- Traffic Light
- Trial of the Century
- Tropical Hooter
- Tropical Passion
- Tubboocki
- Turkeyball
- Twinkle My Lights
- Unabomber
- Under Kurant
- Undertow
- Unknown Warrior
- Urine Sample
- Urine Sample #2
- Warm and Fuzzy
- Warsaw Waffle
- Watermelon Shooter
- Watermelon Shot
- Wet Back
- White Tornado
- White Witch
- Wild Berry Pop-Tart
- Wild Peppertini
- X
- Y2K Shot
- Y2K Shot #2
- Yaps
- Yellow Cake
- Yukon Cornelius
- Zipper
- Zipperhead
- Zoo Station