Blackberry Fizz

A delicious recipe for Blackberry Fizz, with blackberry brandy, orange juice, lemon juice, caster sugar and lemonade. Also lists similar drink recipes.

1 1/2 oz blackberry brandy
1 1/2 oz orange juice
1 oz lemon juice
1/4 tsp caster sugar
4 oz lemonade

Dissolve sugar, shake and strain ingredients (except lemonade) into a highball glass half-filled with ice. Add the lemonade, and garnish with a cherry and orange slice. Serve with straws and a muddler.

Serve in:
Highball Glass

Nutritional info:
(per 8 oz serving)

Calories (kcal)
Energy (kj)

0.1 g
36.4 g
0.4 g


0.2 g
33.5 g

14 mg
14.9 g

Bird of Paradise Fizz

A delicious recipe for Bird of Paradise Fizz, with gin, blackberry brandy, lemon juice, sugar syrup, egg and soda water. Also lists similar drink recipes.

1 1/2 oz gin
1/2 oz blackberry brandy
1/2 oz lemon juice
1/2 oz sugar syrup
1/2 oz egg white
4 oz soda water

Shake ingredients (except soda) well and strain into a highball glass half-filled with ice. Add the soda, and garnish with a slice of lemon and a cherry. Serve with straws and a muddler.

Serve in:
Highball Glass

Nutritional info:

Barcelona Fizz

A delicious recipe for Barcelona Fizz, with sweet sherry, gin, lemon juice, sugar syrup and soda water. Also lists similar drink recipes.

1 1/2 oz sweet sherry
1 oz gin
1/2 oz lemon juice
1/4 oz sugar syrup
4 oz soda water

Shake the sherry, gin, lemon juice and syrup in a shaker. Strain into a frosted highball glass half filled with ice, then add chilled soda. Garnish with a lemon slice and a cherry, and serve with straws and a muddler.

Serve in:
Highball Glass

Nutritional info:

Lady Love Fizz

A delicious recipe for Lady Love Fizz, with gin, light cream, powdered sugar, lemons, egg and carbonated water. Also lists similar drink recipes.

2 oz gin
2 tsp light cream
1 tsp powdered sugar
juice of 1/2 lemons
1 egg white
carbonated water

Shake all ingredients (except carbonated water) with ice and strain into a cocktail glass over two ice cubes. Fill with carbonated water, stir, and serve.

Serve in:
Cocktail Glass

Nutritional info:

Japanese Fizz

A delicious recipe for Japanese Fizz, with blended whiskey, lemons, powdered sugar, port, egg and carbonated water. Also lists similar drink recipes.

1 1/2 oz blended whiskey
juice of 1/2 lemons
1 tsp powdered sugar
1 tbsp port
1 egg white
carbonated water

Shake all ingredients (except carbonated water) with ice and strain into a highball glass over two ice cubes. Fill with carbonated water, stir, and serve.

Serve in:
Highball Glass

Nutritional info:

Ramos Fizz

A delicious recipe for Ramos Fizz, with Old Tom® gin, cream, lemon juice, egg, club soda, powdered sugar, orange flower water and lime juice. Also lists similar drink recipes.

1 1/2 oz Old Tom® gin
2 tbsp cream
1/2 oz fresh lemon juice
1 fresh egg white
1/4 oz club soda
1 tbsp powdered sugar
3-4 drops orange flower water
1/2 oz fresh lime juice

Add the ingredients except club soda to a chilled mixer and shake for at least one minute. Strain into a thin goblet and top off with chilled club soda, to taste.

Serve in:
Wine Goblet

Nutritional info:

Imperial Fizz

A delicious recipe for Imperial Fizz, with light rum, blended whiskey, lemons, powdered sugar and carbonated water. Also lists similar drink recipes.

1/2 oz light rum
1 1/2 oz blended whiskey
juice of 1/2 lemons
1 tsp powdered sugar
carbonated water

Shake all ingredients (except carbonated water) with ice and strain into a highball glass over two ice cubes. Fill with carbonated water, stir, and serve.

Serve in:
Highball Glass

Nutritional info:

Bayard Fizz

A delicious recipe for Bayard Fizz, with gin, maraschino liqueur, lime juice, raspberry syrup and soda water. Also lists similar drink recipes.

2 oz gin
1 tbsp maraschino liqueur
1 tbsp fresh lime juice
1 tsp raspberry syrup
fill with soda water

Shake with ice and strain over ice cubes in a highball glass. Fill with sparkling water and garnish with fresh raspberries.

Serve in:
Highball Glass

Nutritional info:

Grand Royal Fizz

A delicious recipe for Grand Royal Fizz, with oranges, lemons, powdered sugar, gin, maraschino liqueur, light cream and club soda. Also lists similar drink recipes.

juice of 1/2 oranges
juice of 1/2 lemons
1 tsp powdered sugar
2 oz gin
1/2 tsp maraschino liqueur
2 tsp light cream
club soda

Shake with ice and strain into a highball glass over two ice cubes. Fill with club soda and stir.

Serve in:
Highball Glass

Nutritional info:

Gin Cassis Fizz

A delicious recipe for Gin Cassis Fizz, with gin, lemon juice, superfine sugar, club soda and creme de cassis. Also lists similar drink recipes.

2 1/2 oz gin
1 1/2 oz lemon juice
1 tsp superfine sugar
4 oz club soda
1/2 oz creme de cassis

In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine the gin, lemon juice, and sugar. Shake well. Strain into a collins glass almost filled with ice cubes. Add the club soda. Stir well. Drop the cassis into the centre of the drink.

Serve in:
Collins Glass

Nutritional info:

Pure Liquor